Python and crocodile motorcycle Harley Davidson
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Two men dressed in skin of real animals

A man and a female model The idea of reptile skin bikes comes from the encounter between Harley Davidson and Guy Rautureau, the owner of two brands of shoes including Freelance.

Guy Rautureau is a motorcycle enthusiast, who drives a Harley, just like his son.

He has created for his own footwear brand, a collection of boots and shoes suitable for motorcycling.
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Meeting between Guy and passion

During the meeting, the director of Harley had the idea of leaving Guy to speak on two motorcycles: one aimed at women with a more suitable setting to female target and one that is for men.

Motorcycles that will not be for sale

This idea gave birth to two completely unique motorcycle: the bike show to be exhibited at trade shows and showrooms.

They will not be for sale as they belong to the family Rautureau. This does not give rise to either a limited series. So are real unique and exceptional pieces.

A very long-term

In the end, they worked their counterparts in more than a year workshops for work upstream plans, materials, cuts and installation reflecting on the materials, the colors ... An enormous amount of creativity.